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Comprehensive Ranking System


The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is the points-based system we use to assess and score your profile and rank you in the Express Entry pool.

The CRS gives you a score from your profile answers, including your:

  • skills

  • education

  • language ability

  • work experience

  • other factors


The CRS also gives you points for:

  • Canadian degrees, diplomas or certificates

  • a valid job offer

  • a nomination from a province or territory

  • other factors


We regularly send invitations to apply to the highest-ranking candidates in the pool. If you are invited, you can apply to immigrate as a permanent resident.


Comprehensive Ranking System formula


The points you get from the CRS include a core set of points up to 600 and a set of additional points of up to 600. Your total score will be out of 1,200. It is based on the four parts of the CRS formula:


Core: Up to 600 points


  1. Skills and experience factors

  2. Spouse or common-law partner factors, such as their language skills and education

  3. Skills transferability, including education and work experience

  4. Additional: Up to 600 points for:

    • Canadian degrees, diplomas or certificates

    • A valid job offer

    • A nomination from a province or territory

    • A brother or sister living in Canada who is a citizen or permanent resident

    • Strong French language skills


Core points + Additional points = Your total score


A. Single candidates



1. Skills and experience factors (maximum 500) 2. N/A
+2. Spouse or common-law partner factors (maximum 40)

3. Skill transferability factors (maximum 100)
+3. Skill transferability factors (maximum 100)


4. points (maximum 600)4. points (maximum 600)

Grand total (maximum 1,200)Grand total (maximum 1,200)

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